SGCNZ PPWS 2016: Shakespeare & Henry Live at the Stadium

“From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers” 

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more…Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand (SGCNZ) was delighted to have presented its third Primarily Playing with Shakespeare production Shakespeare & Henry Live at the Stadium at the iconic Wellington Westpac Stadium. 

The ninety minute version of Henry V was performed by approximately 250 primary school age students, directed by their teachers, with mentoring by Co-Director appointed by SGCNZ, Ania Upstill. Eight primary schools and a homeschool group rehearsed their scenes independently and came together on Tuesday 8 November in the morning for their first run through. Their public performance began at 12.30pm. Westpac Stadium generously partnered with SGCNZ to facilitate this event, along with the British High Commission, as part of its Shakespeare Lives programme.

“How exciting to be performing in the Wellington Stadium and adding to all the war events which are on as well,” said young actor on the poster, Aidan Brooks Gillespie

Watch Shakespeare and Henry Live at the Stadium online here:

Through a grant from the UK’s Shakespeare Reactivation Fund, the performance was live-streamed to primary schools throughout the country.