Friends, teachers, students, lend us your ears….
Congratulations to all the participants of our SGCNZ Regional University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festivals! Over the last month stages across the country have come alive with your amazing, creative and innovative interpretations of the Bard and we applaud your hard work and verve!
We look forward to seeing many of you at our National Festival – remember entry is open to non-performers too.
Be inspired by the wonderful Workshop Tutors, words of wisdom from the Assessors and each other!!
Regional Festival Results | Coming Soon
Wellington 13-15 April – Wellington East Girls’ College
An exciting panoply of plays wowed the audience every evening- from crowd favourites including Twelfth Night and A Midsummer Night’s Dream to seldom performed gems such as Cymbeline and The Two Noble Kinsmen. Congratulations to all those involved on and off the stage!
For Results and Awards click here
The Wellington Regional Festival was covered by Photographer Brian Scurfield and Videographer Sally Bollinger – order your digital memories today!
Photos- click here——–Video- click here
Regional and National Festival Dates
Click here for the Regional and National Festival dates and contact information
Please bear in mind this document is continuously updated as more information is confirmed and will also remain flexible should there be any more COVID-19 constraints. Contact us for more information if required.
Last updated: 22 March 2021
Registrations are open now! Fill out the SGCNZ UOSWSF online registration form on the University of Otago website and start rehearsing today. UOSWSF Registration Form
For instructions on how to to fill in the SGCNZ UOSWSF registration form at the University of Otago website click here.
Please contact us if you have any problems or queries about registering.
If you need some help deciding where to begin with choosing your 5 or 15 minute pieces, here are a few Scene Suggestions.
Glass Gecko Films is providing a new service: SGCNZ Shakespeare-On-Demand (SOD) Video Subscription Service. An excellent resource for schools participating in SGCNZ events or as exemplars and aids for Drama and English Departments. Go to Glass Gecko’s website for more information.
‘Name what part I am for, and proceed’- Bottom, A Midsummer Night’s Dream