SGCNZ Teachers Go Global (TGG) Introduction
“Just an amazing experience, it is just so inclusive and gorgeous, it feels so right. I can see why lots of actors and practitioners want to come and work and perform here again and again… I am coming back to Christchurch invigorated and excited about my teaching and I will cherish this experience. Thank you SGCNZ TGG, it has fulfilled all my goals and dreams about this special place. – Annette Thomson, 2015
Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand is delighted to be working closely with Shakespeare’s Globe Education, London to further develop the course offered for the first time to celebrate SGCNZ’s 20th anniversary in 2011. Following its success, it was offered again over the July school holidays in 2013, 2015 and 2018. Teachers from throughout New Zealand were selected for this extraordinary opportunity.
SGCNZ’s Teachers Go Global (SGCNZ TGG) comprises an intensive two week professional development programme at Shakespeare’s Globe, London in the July school holidays running parallel with SGCNZ’s Young Shakespeare Company study and performance tour. SGCNZ TGG is held every second year and provides the chance to work with Globe Education practitioners and a director in workshops and rehearsals, culminating in performance on the Globe stage for an invited public. Workshops include ones on Teaching Practice, Text, Movement, Voice, Music, Film, Costume, Dance…all geared towards teaching secondary and primary aged students. Tertiary drama teachers may also apply.
For more information please contact Dawn Sanders E: or M: 027 283 6016
$11,400 (The trip fee is an estimate dependent on fare and accommodation increases and exchange rate – obviously extremely volatile at present..).
$12,800 if also going to Stratford-Upon-Avon
This cost includes:
$300 incl of GST Registration Fee payable to SGCNZ by 7 November 2023
All other payments payable to WP Maher Tours (by specified installments)
It includes:
- Airfares and taxes flying to/from London with Singapore Airlines ex Auckland
- Coach transfers and orientation bus tour on arrival / departure London
- 14 nights Dinner, Bed & Breakfast at LSE Bankside House
- London Transport allowance
- National Theatre backstage tour and theatre ticket
- Shakespeare’s Globe course fees
- Performances at The Globe
- Travel Insurance
All funding must be obtained by the selected teachers. SGCNZ will act as the umbrella organisation where necessary for funding.
- The group will work with Globe Education personnel and the Globe’s experts on text, voice and movement, along with other high calibre Globe practitioners over the course
- A full commitment must be made to the course
- The teacher needs to have a desire to share knowledge gained through the course
- Agreement must be made to have your students participate in SGCNZ’s Regional University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festivals and/or Essay, Costume, Music Composition, Static Image, Poster, Video Title Card Design Competitions; or if a primary school teacher, in SGCNZ’s Primarily Playing with Shakespeare in 2020 and beyond – if not already doing so
- It must be clearly understood from the outset that selection does not carry any funding with it except that SGCNZ takes a minimal fee for actual printing, phone and stationery costs – SGCNZ’s organisational time is donated
- Applications must be made exclusively through Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand
- All successful applicants need to be (or become) financial members of SGCNZ.
The anticipated outcomes are to have:
- gained first-hand experience of Globe Education practices and their application in the classroom
- observed Shakespeare in selected schools in London or discussed teaching practices in the UK, and express comparisons with NZ
- gained detailed practical and theoretical insights into Shakespeare’s stage craft and Elizabethan Theatre as revealed by the architecture of the ‘Wooden O’
- explored period performance practices in relation to Shakespeare
- gained individual acting experience on the Globe stage
- used the Globe’s resources to examine the range of practical knowledge gathered by Globe Education and other staff over the past decade
- contributed positively to the group dynamics
Applicants will be selected by SGCNZ to represent New Zealand as members of SGCNZ Teachers Go Global
- Payments, made on time, as per schedule (unless specially negotiated alternative timing)
- A Report (approx 500 words) from each participant will be required on your return to New Zealand – it is anticipated that this will also be what is used for funding compliance of funds you have raised
- In line with its ethos of maximising the benefits of the experience, and in respect to the facilitation role played by SGCNZ, it is required that the Teachers will be involved in SGCNZ activities, as is appropriate, and be advocates and ambassadors for SGCNZ, including assisting long-term with encouraging funding of the organisation
Course Content
The Teachers will work closely with Globe Education Faculty. Playing Shakespeare will be explored in the context of this unique space.
The course schedule will include:
- Sessions with the Tutors of Movement, Voice, and Text, Music & Wardrobe
- Tours of the Globe, the Rose and & the National Theatre
- Study of Elizabethan stages
- Talks and Q&As with Globe actors and/or directors
- Rehearsals by a Globe Education Department director
- Performing a short scene on the Globe stage
- Attending performances
- Some interaction with SGCNZ Young Shakespeare Company (especially if adding on Stratford Upon Avon Trip)
The Application Process
You will also need to:
- Write a statement of intent of approximately 250 words explaining: why you are attracted to apply for the programme, what you think you will gain from the experience and how you will engage with SGCNZ and its activities on your return and previous interaction with SGCNZ
- Submit a brief CV, which includes experience in teaching Shakespeare (1 page max)
- Send a head and shoulders photo (suitable and available for reproduction up to A4 size in the media and on the web), file no larger than 1MB. If hard copy, write your name and that of the photographer on the back and permission to use it.
- A Reference from your Principal or other appropriate person regarding your teaching skills
- Contact details of another character referee
- $175 Application Fee
- Members of SGCNZ’s Education Advisory Group, including the CEO will meet to make the selections
- The finalists will be advised by phone as soon as approved – by 5 November 2023
Contact us with any queries
Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand most gratefully acknowledges support for SGCNZ Teachers Go Global from the following:
Shakespeare’s Globe