SGCNZ University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival
The thrill of being back on stage live again for SGCNZ’s University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festivals in our 30th anniversary year, is still resonating, with the beautifully filmed version and fantastic photos now available. For prospective and experienced directors alike, it is worth paying a $15 Membership for a month’s subscription to ‘Shakespeare on Demand’ via Glass Gecko Films to watch and share ideas and techniques in inspire your ‘imaginary forces’.
All being well, next year’s Festivals will take a similar format, with the Regional Festivals taking place at some stage in the last 3 weeks of Term I and the National Festival over Queen’s Birthday Weekend 2-6 June 2022. If the renovations are not too Covid-constrained, we will be back in the St James for the National Festival! However, the Michael Fowler Centre is also booked, just in case.
For 2022 intendent directors, a great thing to do during Lockdown, between studying/teaching, is having a look at the SGCNZ University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festivals Scene Suggestions and recorded previous productions as mentioned above. So start thinking about yours!
STOP PRESS! We are now officially welcoming Community Groups to participate in our Festivals – Year 7-13 aged 11-19, and in Primarily Playing with Shakespeare Year 1-8 ages 5-12. Contact us for more information.
Thank you again to all those who made this year’s happen, the sponsors, mentioned in detail in our last issue, the award donors (see list in this issue), the Regional Representatives, Assessors, Selectors, teachers/directors, crews – backstage and front of house, volunteers, parents, audiences …and of course, all the enthusiastic participants nationwide.
Here’s to an exciting, and let’s hope, uncompromised, 2022!