Shakespeare is Ours – Wellington

Date: 07/07/2016
Category: Education Institutes / Groups

Date: Thursday 7July, 2016 7.30 – 9.15pm

Venue:  Connolly Hall, Guildford Terrace, (off Hill Street), Thorndon, Wellington

Cost: $3 for WSS members and SGCNZ friends, $5 for general public (includes supper)


Wellington Shakespeare Society & Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand

invite you to:


Though Shakespeare came to India through colonialism, when the British left the country, he stayed behind and now, it is often said, Shakespeare is more popular in India than in UK. He is everywhere – assimilated, domesticated and transformed – in classical theatre, folk cultural forms and popular cinema, in myriad languages. Shakespeare is even used in Indian prisons for the rehabilitation of criminals who learn to confront their own guilt and violence by performing in his plays.

Indranil Chakravarty has been Professor of Film History and Screenplay-writing in India’s leading film institutions for many years. He is currently doing a PhD in Film at Victoria University of Wellington.