Luke Burke (SGCNZ NSSP 2013, SGCNZ YSC 2014)
Luke Burke is an accomplished actor and improviser who, while in Nelson, regularly performed in the monthly improv show The Deep End. After making it to the 2013 SGCNZ UOSWSF and being picked for SGCNZ National Shakespeare Schools Production that year, Luke travelled to London as part of the SGCNZ Young Shakespeare Company 2014 where he played Julius Caesar at the Globe. Luke has performed in numerous small productions in the SGCNZ UOSWSFestival and in multiple Waimea College major productions, playing Big Julie in Guys and Dolls and Polonius in a backyard version of Hamlet.
He studied at Whitireia Polytechnic as part of their Stage and Screen Arts program and is continuing on this path to see where it goes.