2017 Professional Development Workshop for Teachers -Auckland
Date: 24/03/2017
Category: Theatre Companies – Professional
Date: Friday 24th March 2017
Time: 9am – 3.30pm
Venue: TBA
Price: $200 per person
Includes: Lunch, morning tea, a resource booklet and a certificate of completion.
Register: please email info@aucklandshakespeare.com with your name, school, teaching area and year levels.
Deadline: Registrations close Friday 17th March
“I believe every person in New Zealand who has anything to do with Shakespeare should do this workshop.” – Teacher feedback from the March 2013 PD Workshop
This one day workshop is for secondary teachers of English or Drama, and is a practical, hands-on approach to bringing Shakespeare to life in the classroom. Taught this year by theatre veterans Stuart Devenie and Sylvia Rands, you will be refreshed and excited to head back to the classroom with exciting insights and teachable, transferable skills for your students.