Sam Skoog (SGCNZ NSSP 2011)

After finishing his time with SGCNZ NSSP, Samuel Skoog was offered another role through SGCNZ playing a miniature Hamlet in Pan Pan’s The Rehearsal, Playing the Dane in the NZIAF. He also worked with the Wellington devised theatre company Pat-A-Cake Productions.

Soon afterwards he left secondary school and moved to London and then Glasgow after obtaining offers from The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and the University of Glasgow, where he now studies playwriting. He has worked with Student Theatre at Glasgow (STaG), including playing Demetrius in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and the titular role in their 2016 production of Macbeth. Sam is also a core member of Fear No Colours (fearnocolours), an independent company of students specialising in visceral productions of contemporary British plays. He has played Carl in Sarah Kane’s Cleansed and Spinx in Phillip Ridley’s Mercury Fur, which toured to the Edinburgh Fringe festival in 2015 and 2016 respectively to critical acclaim.