SGCNZ COVID-19 e-National UOSWSF Scene Award Recipients!

What a fantastic weekend having the pleasure of seeing all of your ingenious, innovative and brave approaches to Shakespeare which were selected for the SGCNZ e-National UOSWSF – mostly rehearsed and some even filmed mid-COVID-19 lockdown levels!

Incredibly hard decisions were made by those of us in the same room in Wellington – Scene Assessors Ryan Hartigan (University of Otago) and Salesi Le’ota and SGCNZ CEO Dawn Sanders – plus Scene Assessor John Gardyne (Trinity College, London) who joined us via Zoom at 5am UK-time!

We’re super excited to announce the Scene Award recipients…

Click here to download the list

A huge congratulations again to everyone who confronted COVID by entering the Festival in spite of all the challenges presented.

Watch this space in about a week’s time for the SGCNZ NSSP List!