Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand is a life skills enhancing organisation using Shakespeare as a tool. It works with primary, secondary and tertiary students, actors, directors, teachers, the corporate sector and devotees of Shakespeare. SGCNZ was founded in 1991 as a result of New Zealand’s Globe Hangings project which involved 500 embroiderers and textile artists nationwide, from eight to 80 years old, to create a gift of four hangings for Shakespeare’s Globe, London. SGCNZ continues to work closely with Shakespeare’s Globe in London to provide a range of educational programmes and is helping to promote the Globe’s live-filmed performances in cinemas (Globe on Screen) throughout NZ. For SGCNZ’s 25th anniversary and the quattro centennial of Shakespeare’s death in 2016 Shakespeare Globe Centre NZ promoted Shakespeare productions and Shakespeare-related events throughout the country under the Shake Alive 2016 umbrella.

Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand most gratefully acknowledges the support from the following:
