The Hearts & Minds of Shakespeare’s World – Wellington
Date: 05/06/2017
Category: Theatre Companies – Professional
Date & Time: Mon 5 June, 11am-12noon
Venue: Grand Hall, Parliament, Wellington
Tickets: $10 Adults, $5 Students
PRE-BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL due to Parliament security. No Door sales!
Download the booking form here!
The Hearts & Minds of Shakespeare’s World with Ben Crystal – Public Talk
What would it have been like to go to the theatre in Shakespeare’s time?
How did his plays tap into his audience’s views on life and love? How did the social, cultural and political developments of the time shape his writing?
His audience had a tremendous ability to suspend their disbelief, and a great appetite for story-telling; they would have been thrilled by his language play, by the new words he invented and by the semi-familiar worlds he and his actors took them to. His works are revitalised when seen through the eyes and minds of the people he was trying to entertain. And his London was going through a period of great change, as the language was being reinvented, and the world was rocked with the death of Elizabeth, and James’ accession to the English throne. Actor and author Ben Crystal dives into the hearts, minds, ears and words of Shakespeare’s world.